Auto-Diva writes about: Dynamic loading to Formula E - News from Qualcomm - Video interview

Dynamic Loading to Formula E - News from Qualcomm - Video Interview

Video interview with Thomas Nindl (Qualcomm) about charging e-cars, why street lights are not good charging points, why and what double D means and what happens to Formula E. Qualcomm is sponsor and Lucas di Grassi the driver. Of course, I had a short talk with Lucas. He was also part of the previous panel discussion.

And here again Thomas Nindl. The man from the video. He has expertise in inductive charging and static charging of e-cars and is Qualcomm's contact.

I still have so much material that I can not log everything because of time constraints. If specific questions arise on the topic, then like to write in the comments (Facebook or blog comments here). And in the video, a lot has already been said!

For the loaned video equipment I would like to thank Matthias Sternkopf of Gizmodo, who helped immediately, when I found out that there was no camera Place was available, as I was previously assured.

Invitation from Qualcomm to Barcelona on the EVS27, thank you

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